Feminism is a range of socio-political movements and ideologies that aim to define and establish the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the genders.

OFAM aims to make public our commitment to social justice and structural change. We seek to generate cultural awareness of feminist thought, experience, and action. Feminists are motivated by the ethical imperative to effect change and advocate for inclusive and equitable access to social, cultural, and economic resources for people of all genders, sexualities, races, ethnicities, classes, ages, and abilities.

OFAM will promote a range of art, music, programming, and special events, that will generate the cultural space for engagement, reflection, and action, of the feminist movement that is alive and strong among us.

“The Five Trailblazing Galleries that only show Women Artists: ” by Figgy Guyver, Culture Digest, August 27, 2019.

In 2018, just one third of global exhibitions were by women artists.

In 2018, in the US, men make up 87 percent of artists in permanent collections

In 2017, in London’s major art institutions, just 22 percent of solo shows were by women.

In 2018, worldwide, out of the 820,000 global exhibitions, just a third were by female artists

To learn more about feminism and feminist art, we recommend beginning with the movie Feminists: What Were They Thinking?

Feminists: What Were They Thinking
Jasmine Wright Jasmine Wright

Feminists: What Were They Thinking

Revisiting 1970s photos of women that captured a feminist awakening, this film explores those women's lives and examines the continued need for change.

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